yes. i'm gonna smile and pretend that didn't happen.
instead, i'm going to lovingly recount my evening at château mellisa & joel...château meloel (pronounced mel-O-L)? château jolissa? whatever...i think the latter sounds right. good. glad we got that settled.
indeed, château jolissa...a magical place filled with animals, guitar hero and, you guessed it, yummy food stuffs!
so, yes, i got through ye olde day o' tues yesterday and made my way to château jolissa via a leisurely walk whilst having a lively conversation with my paramour.
i landed a hair before 7pm, filled with anticipation and joy. as expected, the door opened and i was in the direct line of fire...a deluge of animals was released like a breathtaking wave of anxious shoppers at the opening of a sale at century 21...except, instead of wanting sensibly priced items that are out of season, these animals only wanted love and attention...which i would happily provide.
...but first, love for dear melissa! then an introduction to the infamous beau, joel (pronounced jo-elle, people...not jole...not jowl). aaaanyway, hugs all around! hugs abound!
next it was time to greet the furry members:
- butch: a most lovable pup with thoughtful eyes and floppy ears...handsome and solid.
- maryjane: a black kitteh that likes to touch noses, stare, and considers herself a canine.
- tank(!): my goddog...as in, i'm his godmother. a nervousy little lovebug chihuahua who's afraid of sudden movement and loves to cuddle.
- madison: the hyperactive, yet equally lovebuggy and cuddly, younger chihuahua.
wonderful! so much love, both human and animal, concentrated in one location...château jolissa is like frozen orange juice concentrate, if that orange juice was liquid gold made of hearts.
so, what now?
to the laundromat, grocery store and video rental shoppe, of course!
so, off the three of us went.
i watched jolissa put laundry in a dryer while smoking a cigarette by the magical blue light of a neon laundry sign and continued on to the grocery with melissa while joel went to get a movie.
i suggested forgoing the fish and just purchasing lots of bacon...cooking said bacon...and then annihilating it...with our mouths.
it was considered...
...but like responsible people, we opted out of that situation.
i ended up trailing behind melissa as she picked through sad little blocks of salmon and decided on sea bass for the two of us and tuna for joel.
we almost got string beans, but, sadly, the basket where the string bean colony resided had been very obviously raped and pillaged. there were a few survivors, but we decided to leave them be so they could repopulate.
no string beans. boo.
we reunited with joel and made our way back.
and then?...
let the lumpiness begin!
i plopped on the couch (as lumps tend to do) and let my furry friends curl up around me.
melissa began her intense kitchen magic...baking, glazing, sautéing...like the mayor of culinary town...where everything is made of food! even the children!
ok. that was bizarre.
so, yeah...
you know i would've helped, people...really.
but there were a few points of contention here:
- um, hello? i'm covered in loving animals!
- i respect the boundaries of those who cook...i will be there to taste sauces & glazes and let my opinions be known, but i will not start actively participating for fear that i will end up making everything taste like cardboard or plastic or cement...or something else equally bland and non-foody.
- straight up: i'm lazy after a long day of work
- joel asked if i wanted to play guitar hero...and it would've been rude to say no, right? ok, ok. i love guitar hero...but, i swear, i'm not used to the xbox guitars and ended up utterly failing...AND i was playing one of my songs! oh, failing at life is never fun.
- let me reiterate, moi...living under a blanket of loving animals.
so this went on for quite some time...joel and i walked the dogs and picked up the laundry whilst dear melissa continued cooking...cooking so furiously that if she were a dancer...she'd be a maniac, maniac...on the floor.
upon arriving back, i continued diligently with my lumpitude and joel played some tunes.
we popped in the movie and, at some point, melissa had contructed three drop-dead gorgeous plates of food.
the seabass had a miso glaze!
melissa doesn't mess around, people. let's get that straight.
she . makes . a . mean . dinner.
she even made string beans for me (i'm not sure where she found them - her magical string bean drawer, i reckon)...so thoughtful...and she used lots of organic garlic.
did you know that some organic garlic comes in the form of what looks to be a magic wand?...OF FLAVOR (obviously).
swing that thing around you got yourself the an array of the most deliciously garlicy dishes you ever did see.
very interesting stuff.
so, yep, she sautéed the string beans with loads of garlic and even made these heavenly sweet potato fries.
one thing only to say after eating such a meal: "MAH TUMMY HAS A HAPPY!" (yes, it's a lolcat reference. so shoot me.)
we watched the movie during dinner and i ended up curling up with the animal blanket and nodding in and out of sleep...
but i was pulled from my sleep by the only two reasons anyone should ever be derailed from the bullet train to slumbertown.
chocolate-covered marshmellows AND chocolate-covered strawberries.
eh hem...may i remind you...melissa does not mess around!
the rest was a blur.
lots of animals...warmth...and melissa & joel cuddling up together on the other side of the couch.
oh, so comfy...
...and, with that, we all closed up shop and went our separate ways...they to the boudoir...i to get ready to rock on stage...the stage being a couch...and the rock being sleep, mainly.
if there's one thing i love, it's the fatal (fatally monumental) combination of sitting, eating, lounging, laughing, friends and cuddly pets.
is it weird that i cuddled with butch all night?
NOT weird.
totes approps...
you would too had you been in that situation.
...and that was the evening!
so, jolissa, thank you for some much-needed fun.
melissa, your meal was amazing...merci beaucoup for all of that effort.
joel, thanks for listening to my nonsense and trying to deduce some sort of logic out of something completely illogical (namely, the things i discuss).
you guys are the best hosts evAr.
let's do it again soon. <3
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