pardon my hasty sketch for today.
the day was a blurry mess. i didn't have enough coffee and i certainly didn't have a minute to even step out to get any.
so, upon finding myself, somehow, on the bus heading home after a mad dash to the local fedex office to drop off a priority package, i curled up on my seat, stared out the window and wished that this particular bus ride wouldn't end.
there's magic in the night sky and passing lights on a bus.
it's the feeling of going somewhere and i could've stayed like that, i thought for a few moments, forever.
i usually fall asleep on the bus, but i realize that tonight my exhaustion went beyond sleep and, glassy-eyed, i was happy to stare at the smoke stacks and phone lines humming by. no demands made on me, no communication. it was just me. feet on the seat. knees under my chin, hugging my legs.
no bus patrons to judge my posture on a breezy friday night. no one to raise their eyebrow at the soles of my shoes smashed up on the cushion. none of that.
...luckily, i decided to get off two stops before you-make-bunny-cry-berg...and even avoided sad-panda station.
i sure hope tomorrow's a better day.
scratch that. tomorrow will be a better day.
...and, perhaps, two drawings are in order to make up for my lack of tenacity ce soir.
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