so, i discussed my blogs with my dear friend, eugene, today and he flat out asked me, "why don't you just combine all of your blogs together?"
i told him i wanted to keep everything apart.
my quips and sketches in one place.
my daily photos taken with my mobile phone in another place.
...and my secret writings in one other place.
then, coincidentally, something happened.
i drew something in my moleskin notebook and realized i didn't have a scanner handy...
so, i took a photo of it with my mobile phone.
...and then i realized what had happened.
without trying, i ended up combining my two blogs in one fell swoop.
funny how that happens.
...so, i guess i'm going to combine them for now...
my mobile photos with my sketches and quips...sorry, i'm not going to throw my secret writing in here just yet...if ever.
give myself a little more freedom and space to breathe.
be a little less structured. a little less neurotic about it all.
i guess i'll spend some time migrating my photos and posts over to this blog.
in the meantime, enjoy the quick sketch.
inspired by the wonderful (and by wonderful, i mean frigid and miserable) weather.
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