so, it would be fitting that i should start back up with this writing/sketching business with the coming of the new year, right?
a bit cliché, but i realize that i need to hold onto something solid because i've come to realize that everything i've tried to hold on to thus far has been fleeting.
all i have is myself and what i can produce and share with the world.
so, that's what i'm going to do.
i'm going to share.
...so, i begin this post with this little thing called hope.
it's still little and fragile at the moment.
resembles something between a glass seahorse and white, overly fluffy hummingbird.
needs some nurturing and unconditional love...
in time, it'll make for a consistently reliable companion.
...and in the spirit of hope, i will now indulge in a list of resolutions that i might break before i even finish writing them.
i will...
- learn to develop my own black and white film
- rehaul my website
- work on my portraiture - i think i've had enough of objects for a little while
- seriously work on my illustration portfolio
- have a solo show at an art gallery
- actually work on the children's book i've been writing up
- quit...well, cut down on...no, no...quit...i'll quit smoking
- make a genuine effort to grow my hair
- write more (i will, dear readers!)
- submit writing to the new yorker
- not allow myself to be bitter for more than a few hours at a time
- try to exercise
- dress nicely
- sleep more
- get back to reading at least 1 novel a month
- cook more
- go out more
- smile more
- figure out what i really want to do with my life
- not be afraid
big plans, dear readers...big plans!
i'm going to do my best to not be utterly cynical this year...
i'm going to catapult myself into the future.
now's a better time than any, right?
so, here we go.
let's see if i can get through this checklist without faltering too much.
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