i've never felt so chimney-sweepy in my life...and they're comfortable. i mean, does life get better than this?
life would only be better if i had a big broom with which to sweep chimneys...and some well-placed ash streaks on my face to accentuate my overall, hardworking yet naive and well-meaning personality or something.
i look forward to taking these bad boys (my shorts are, apparently, "bad" and of the male gender) for a spin in the spring sans the black tights.
...because currently wearing tights and shorts and stuffing your shirt in makes for some acrobatics every time you have to go to the bathroom.
aside from this revelation that pleated shorts can be worn without looking dorky is the fact that i still can't draw hands very well...so, clearly, my sketch is not of a girl in high-waisted shorts...but, rather, a hybrid girl crab who is confused about why she's wearing high-waisted shorts when she should be sidestepping back into the ocean for some fun of the crustacean variety.
in other news, i'm going to get my steak au poivre fix tonight at the pink pony with my dearest elizabeth.
it's peppery goodness will, undoubtedly, assure a good night.
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