yep. today was my birthday and with it came a slew of lovely surprises in the form of tokens received from co-workers and well-wishes sent from friends and family.
my outlook this year is slightly more upbeat than most years. i have a feeling i'm getting better at denial...or it's that thing called "wisdom"...accordingly to the report on the radio this morning, age does, in fact, bring wisdom. i'm starting to think that it's slim pickin' for things to report on these days.
nonetheless, my office really set me up for the most pleasant of days.
the morning was filled with the scent of fresh flowers from liza and susan. liza upped it by adding in the one murakami book i don't own and katherine bestowed make-up upon me...which came just in time for my birthday dinner this upcoming weekend. meanwhile, joellen gifted me with some of my favorite foods and a card.
to top it all off, i got a upbeat, chirpy "happy birthday!" from my boss first thing in the morning followed by a hug. i thought he had remember this year. he proudly nodded and then mentioned, under his breath, that my co-worker had emailed him about it. at least he admitted it.
i'm not going to lie. i felt like all morning should start this way. all the hugs of thanks and appreciation. i work with a great bunch of people...this much i know.
word on the street is that humans should get at least 8 hugs a day.
i believe this to be true.
the day was also filled with desserts.
i'm never one to complain about such things so long as my teeth are intact at the end of it all...a hoho-cupcake during lunch (many thanks to the register girl at bread & butter who, upon finding out it was my bday - joellen ratted me out - told me to pick a cupcake and take it with me) and a chocolate mocha cake with ice cream later in the day...the cake even had my name on it. nice touch.
lunch was spent strolling around madison square park, enjoying the 80-degree weather and sunshine.
i also ducked out early to grab dinner with my brother and his girlfriend.
of course, good food was in store!
i feasted on a filet of sole with sliced almonds in a lemon-butter sauce paired with zuchini & potatoes. all of it melted in my mouth and i could sense my eyes rolling to the back of my head in sheer ecstacy. the frank sinatra playing in the background only heightened the melodramatic savoring of my food.
...and, yes, dessert.
we split fresh strawberries with marscapone cheese AND a chocolate lava cake.
i died on my birthday of a sugar overdose.
by the time we headed back to our respective homes, i was done.
...and this is a week-long birthday festival for friday...so, be ready for more updates on gastronomical adventures!
sorry about not taking photos of dinner...and sorry this post isn't more involved.
i'm seriously crashing from the seemingly endless act of eating good foods.
well, 35 minutes left till my actual birthday is over.
in retrospect, it was a pretty good one...and i have my co-workers, friends and family to thank. sending my love to you all.
i really appreciated today. xo.
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