i'm gross.
...ok, let me explain.
now, i love food. you know this if you've read any of the stuff i've written...especially in recent months (again, a special thanks to recovered tastebuds).
...but when do you say when?
i thought i had figured it out, people.
i thought i had finally solved the mystery that is enjoying all types of food without feeling like a grease spot.
the solution was balance.
well, yesterday, i took that solution and covered it in tar and feathers, lit it on fire and chucked it into a blackhole...made of more fire.
the day started out ok.
why, yes, a croissant is a lovely idea. i haven't had one in a while. so light and flaky and made almost completely of butter...how could i say no? dare i say, i deserve this little baked gem.
...and then i remembered, with much delight, that my design department had planned a homemade indian lunch bonanza...we got chickpea curry & eggplant curry (kudos to my dearest kristina), a healthy dose of basmati rice and naan bread from our local curry-in-a-hurry, yogurt-cucumber dip (thank you, sherry) and a luxurious rice pudding (made by the infamous susan)...
i thought i would be ok, but i thought wrong.
why, yes i'll have a pile of rice the size of my head...and, yes, i'll cover it in heaping piles of curry. oh, of course, i'll take a huge piece of naan and how could i say no to the yogurt dip. oh, susan, this rice pudding is so good i could die. yes, i'll have seconds!
by the end of lunch i couldn't sit up for fear that food would come shooting out of my eyeballs and ears...all i could do was let out exasperated sighs in response to the knowledge that i have no gauge when it comes to tasty foods.
i spent the next hour walking back and forth between the front office and the design department to try to get all that food to settle.
...and settle it did...
...so, off i skipped to the shake shack line in madison square park...to the shake shack line that was a mile long.
it was time for dinner with elizabeth...the thursday ritual...and i was determined to get a shackburger. elizabeth showed up and we caught up on two weeks' worth of no-dinners while trying very hard not to stab the three very loud girls in front of us with 200 needles and 5 knives...each. we just didn't have the right equipment, lucky for them.
45 minutes of waiting in line and we were finally blessed with what we had been waiting for. our burgers and fries...a double shackburger with cheese and some fries, to be more specific.
oh, i'm completely full and i haven't even finished my burger.
...but i can't waste something so precious...so hard to come by...
oh no! it's getting cold...i have to finish it.
*nom nom nom*
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. delicious...and epic.
...did i mention that the loveliness of spring that was bestowed upon us during the daytime hours slowly melted away into a rather chilly evening? no? well, that's what happened...and i was not dressed appropriately...so, i suggested we find an indoor seat and have a spot of tea.
...but, of course, i can't just have tea. tea needs to be accompanied by something else.
in this case, it was a cannoli so riddled with chocolate chips that you could barely make out what it actually was. from the outside, it resembled a pipe assembled purely of dark lusciousness.
on the inside, a savory wonderland of cannoli cream in a cradle of cannoli crust awaited me.
...and down the rabbit hole i went...willingly.
by the time i was on my way home, i had a paunch that looked and felt like a football and the cold, hard truth that i knew nothing about balancing out my foods.
...but in my failure, i found comfort...
my day had been a culinary victory...and that, my friends, is how you tell mr. balance to take a number and get in line.
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