i haven't updated...i'm completely ashamed of this.
this past week has been, how-do-you-say, uninspiring?
well, no.
have i eaten a disturbingly large amount of sweets and fried foods?
is my desk calendar covered with haphazard specks of dark chocolate smudges?
...and the main question...
am i gross?
i've spent the last several days tormenting myself about my lack of motivation and productivity. however, instead of remedying this easily fixable problem by, say, writing and drawing something...i've been coming up with grandiose ideas in my head and contemplating them and recontemplating them...and then promptly going to bed.
not healthy.
neither is all of the horribly greasy, (tasty), sugary, (heavenly), fattening, (comforting) food i've been shoving down my throat.
ingesting lots of comfort food + sleep + dreaming of warmer weather = clearly i'm a bear
i have this epiphany annually.
the one that says, "oh. oh, right. right. winter. forgot about that season."
now, don't get me wrong.
i do enjoy a good romp in the cold...a day on the slopes.
hot cocoa at a lodge.
i enjoy admiring snowfall from a warm place behind a window and am even enchanted by the occasional clump of flakes that land on my eyelashes.
but what?
well, as romanticized as winter in new york may be...
the result is, often times, unsavory.
snow falls gently...beautifully down on the city streets...and then is ground into a mushy pile of greyness that is neither solid nor liquid. a scientific anomaly that has the gravitational force to suck your entire leg into it...
leaving your trousers and boots comically wet...
and leaving you bitterly cold.
before the snow comes?
you step out onto the street with an expectant heart and an oversized scarf in hopes of frolicking down the avenue as if you're in a movie version of your life entitled "ain't life grande"...that extra "e" on grande makes it super special and oscar-worthy.
however, upon reaching the street, you realize you've stumbled into a nature documentary entitled "the life of a leaf on the wind"...sounds very zen, but it's actually just shots of you being pummeled by wind tunnels from different angles.
you hear david attenborough's voice as he whispers gravely, "but this one lost her group...because...
there is safety in numbers..."
then we get to the scene where the skies open up and produce buckets of icy rain on top of the wind and all productivity and tenacity fly out the figurative window along with miss leaf and any inkling she had of a glamorously romantic winter day in new york.
in general, my timing seems to be off.
things are not running as smoothly as i'd like.
did i mention this morning i got mad at a cupcake truck for getting in the way of me crossing the street to get to a duane reade in a timely fashion?
i didn't mention that?
well, i did.
i got mad at a cupcake truck.
that kind of sums up my general state.
so, excuse my lack of writing.
excuse my lack of drawing.
i really have been trying, but the week has left me feeling a little less comical and more like a stray cat on a rowboat filled with baked goods in the middle of the arctic sea...surrounded by sharks...that are eating all the fish i want.
n.b. jolissa, i promise to finish that post and sketch about our nutella adventures! <3
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