when do you just give up on growing your hair out?
i'm starting to get to that point. my bangs are being all stabby and my eyes are takin' the heat.
...and, yet, i can't quite trim my bangs yet for fear of going from lash skimming mod to elementary school country bumpkin.
i'm seriously starting to question my hair-growing goals here, people.
what am i trying to prove exactly?
that i have patience?
well, i'm going to do my best to hold on for at least another week.
i've got a hair appointment on the 13th and that'll be the turning point.
do i just cut it all off again?...or do i explain my goals to my hairstylist and hope that she can shape the seemingly bowl-like structure on my head into something that doesn't make me squirmy and annoyed.
we'll see what happens. stay tuned!
goals for this weekend:
- play a lot of scrabble tonight (but no more than 3 hours for fear that i'll suffer from scrabbitis...which is a soul-sucking depression and malaise that i suffer from upon playing scrabble for too many hours)
- attend my chicago friend's birthday extravaganza
- have tea with the paramour's family
- illustrate!
- come up with a submission...or at least start...to submit for a graphic design fundamentals book...deadline: february 15th.
- work out
- sleep!
i had a horrifying dream last night...
i dreamt that i was bitten by a poisonous snake in a dark, cement alleyway.
i was lying on the ground, dying.
i couldn't move and i could barely speak, but i had just enough in me to dial 911.
when the operator picked up, i explained my situation...
but when she asked me where i was, i couldn't answer...
because i didn't know where i was or how i got there.
yeah. that sucked.
have a great weekend!
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